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Weekly health roundup – 7th November

International health news

Researchers behind The Global Nutrition Report have released their 2017 study. The results conclude that whether it is from eating too much or not enough food, most countries fall under the category of ‘malnourished’

Superbugs are becoming an increasing problem for worldwide health, as officials predicted would be the case, many years ago. However, this may be changing after a new probiotic has been found to relieve symptoms of the superbug C.Difficile.

Country Updates

The US State Pennsylvania is continuing to work towards implementing marijuana into healthcare. One of the steps in the process of achieving this is to create guidelines on how to grow, dispense and discuss the drug in physicians appointments.

Bulgaria has reported further outbreaks of a deadly bird flu that was found a month ago. The northeastern region of Dobric and the southern region Haskovo are the two areas that have been affected the most so far.

Health advice

Good bacteria in the gut can aid the fight against in cancer by training immune cells to fight off cancer cells. This discovery is important because increasing the amount of good bacteria in our bodies can be easily achieved by cutting out processed sugar and eating more fermented foods.

It is very important to include protein as a part of your diet, but health experts warn against going overboard with your protein intake. The recent protein health craze has led to people abandoning other aspects of their diets which can lead to other types of complications.

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